Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Beautiful pictures make ME happy!

When I think about some of the things that truly make ME happy, then beautiful pictures are high on the list. I love taking pictures whenever I get a chance, and I enjoy certain blogs specifically for the pictures they contain (www.dooce.com and www.kellehamptom.com). I love how pictures can trigger profound emotions, bring back memories, and capture so easily and eloquently images of things and people that even the most powerful words would fail to describe. I am by no means a professional photographer, but when I am able to snap a picture at the right moment, under the right light, and without disturbing the mood, and then look at the picture and see that I've somehow managed to get "IT", then I experience profound happiness and pride.

A few weeks ago, when we took the kids to the Tree farm to find our Christmas tree, the conditions were perfect to allow me to snap some really fun pictures. The sun was shining bright, the weather warm, the colours spectacular, and with pure glee, I just put my fingers down on the button and went "trigger" happy. I love digital cameras for this. I remember in the olden days (dear God!) when I used to only have films, I would be scared to take pictures and run out of film. One of my biggest photographic disappointments were pictures I took after Logan's birth. I had bought black and white film to try and get some nice pictures, but they all turned dark and ugly...despite the very cute subject. So when I went all digital, I experienced freedom from the ever-present worry of "wasting the film" and not getting "the right one". It's not uncommon for me to take many, many pictures at a time in the hopes that I might get "THE" photo.

When I came home from the tree farm and looked over the more than a hundred photos I took that day, I found this one and I knew, that somehow, I had gotten "IT" that day.

I can't put my finger on what it is exactly about this picture that speaks so much to me, but I think it's a combination of a few things: the fact that all three kids are just being natural and nothing is posed, that it represents a moment when they are getting along and enjoying being together. At the same time, it is full of colours and it feels very warm, the perfect representation of a fun day spent together. This picture is the best one that I've taken in a long time and it has become my favourite. And I think what I love the most about it, is that every time I look at it, I smile and I am happy.

I'll be sharing more pictures in the coming weeks. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!  

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